About Us
Thank you for visiting us.
Our mission is to help people eat better and feel great by sourcing 100% pure, gut-friendly, nourishing whole food ingredients from nature.
Where a fresh approach, people, positivity and healthy living are at core of what we do.
We specialise in sourcing the best naturally gluten free flours, meals, seeds and superfoods from Australia and the globe, to bring quality ingredients supply to the food service, retail, health food wholesale and manufacturing industry.
Every product you find in our bulk wholesale range is free from gluten, and checked and tested to ensure their integrity and safety for coeliacs and those with food sensitivities.
Some of the best natural staples in the world are naturally gluten free, and we believe they should be readily available to all.
Gluten Free Wholesalers was born of a passion to support a greater understanding and availability of naturally gluten free produce in Australia
Misconceptions abound when it comes to the gluten-free diet, and the basis upon which many follow it.
For most it's an auto-immune reaction to specific proteins found in wheat and related grains.
What many don't realise is that there are a plethora of alternative seeds and pseudo grains that are not only perfect for those avoiding gluten, but they're also highly nutritious and have been grown for hundreds of years in many other parts of the globe for their nourishing benefits.
We work with growers and mills that clean, colour sort, run dedicated mills and test their harvest batches for allergens, to ensure we are able to stand behind the products we offer as free from gluten contamination.
It's Personal
For me, avoiding gluten was a necessity.. but it also taught me to understand and research what I was putting into my body.
GMO foods, super-crops and harvests heavily sprayed with pesticides aren't good for any living being.
Even if you aren't avoiding gluten, you'll find the nutritional benefits of many gluten free whole foods are indisputable, and something worth including in your diet for a healthy gut and improved wellness.
Here, it's not about what's taken out of our diets.. it's about what we put in.
We're passionate about eating and sourcing the best quality, raw, whole food ingredients so that you can ensure the integrity of the foods you offer.
Our products are always non-GMO, just 100% pure Goodness.
We live and work on the beautiful sunny Gold Coast, where health, vitality and great food are our way of life. We're passionate about helping people eat better and feel great.
Both my husband Carl and I, left corporate roles in soul-less industries to follow our passion for life-giving foods.
We're on a constant journey of discovery of the ability of food to heal, and we invite you to take the journey with us.
To your health!
Yvette Ryan

Social and Ethical efforts
Social awareness
We believe in contributing in any small way we can to creating change for better health and well-being, and so we ensure nothing goes wasted.
Any foods not sold prior to their recommended 'best before' date, are donated to feed those in need.
We support Ozharvest food rescue. Nourishing our Country.
Environmental awareness
Our earth gives us a plethora of life-giving goodness everyday. It's mandatory that we nurture it, and work in harmony with it for our existence and all life on our planet.
In line with this, we do our best to use eco-friendly options when considering our packaging.
All products where packaging is needed, we carefully select recyclable plastics which can be broken down for reworking into re-usable materials.
We opt to ship in clean recycled cardboard boxes wherever possible, collected and re-used in conjunction with the local health-food community.
You'll note we dispatch with minimal paperwork, opting to reduce our carbon foot-print by offering electronic invoices where requested, in line with our paper-less office mission.
These are small changes, but over time hopefully make bigger impacts.
If you see ways that we can grow our ecological awareness, we'd love to hear your suggestions. Please do feel free to drop us a line any time and let us know how we're doing :).